Official Name: Rape Crisis Society of Trinidad & Tobago
Address: 40 Woodford St., Newtown, Port of Spain, Trinidad
Phone: (868) 622-7273 (POS) 657-5355 (San Fernando)
Fax: (868) 622-1079
Contact: Ms. Walcott
E-mail: rapetnt@tstt.net.tt
Dedication: Assisting Sexually Assulted Victims
The Rape Crisis Society of Trinidad and Tobago has produced a book that covers a wide range of topics about surviving sexual assault. The book covers many topics including: "Reporting to the Police" and "Services for Survivors". Please contact the Rape Crisis Society for more information.
The Rape Crisis Society of Trinidad and Tobago (RCS) was established in 1984. It began as an informal group in 1983 known as the Rape Crisis Committee. This group was formed as a result of a seminar on Rape and Violence hosted by Grace Talma & Associates and Educare Limited in 1983. The Committee comprised ten persons from various professional groups such as the Police Prisons, Regiment and Social Workers.
The Committee sought funding from the Caribbean Conference of Churches (CCC) and an initial sum was received. Part of this sum was used to engage the services of Mrs. Ann Sparks who at the time was in charge of the Crisis Centre at the St. Vincent Hospital, New York. Ms. Sparks provided a week of training for the original members subsequent to the first training course, a Hotline service was organized. This service operated three nights per week for three hours 6:00- 9:00 p.m. at the Catholic Centre, a Roman Catholic establishment which accommodates support services of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Rape Crisis Centre however, remained nonpartisan. The space was provided by the Catholic Church free of rental. This completed phase one of the projected plans of the Rape Crisis Centre. Phase two became operational in August, 1985 with the employment of a full time Co-ordinator. In November of the same year a Counselor was employed and the counseling services were extended to 8:00 am -4:00 p.m. walk-in service. The Committee then concentrated on other areas of concern which were:
Face to face and group counseling which aimed to empower men, women and children out of and beyond existing conflictive and crisis circumstances, restoring levels of confidence and self-esteem to clients.
24 hour integrated service which would be recognized by the authorities and the community.
In 1986 the Rape Crisis Centre sought legal advice to develop a Constitution and registration as a charitable organization. The Constitution was adopted in 1986, and in November, 1986 the organization was legally registered. It was henceforth referred to as the Rape Crisis Society of Trinidad and Tobago.
As the Socety has developed its programme in 1989, the objectives were outlined as follows:
To lobby for the development of laws, institutions and procedures to protect women and children and to deter would be offenders.
To educate the public and would be offenders about sexual violence issues through our outreach programmes (Lectures, workshops, panel discussions, videos).
To Improve the quality of service and support provided bv the Centre especially in the counseling of volunteers and clients.
To maintain and establish links with organizations devoted to the enpowerment and advancement of women and with other institutions concerned with social development and research.
To improve organizational structure and systems, and the overall management of the Rape Crisis Society.
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In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. -- George Orwell